
by Datalogics, Inc.


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Bookvia is an EPUB and PDF reading app for users to enjoy reading content from many publishers and eBook distributors. Bookvia's pleasant interface and customizable reading features deliver to users one of the best reading experiences available. You can download from a large collection of free eBooks to start reading immediately. Features like night reading mode, colored highlights, and full text search are included to help you read and learn. If your store is integrated with the app, you will be able to see your purchased content right in the app after you login. All designed with the ease of use in mind for readers of all levels!Bookvia has the best EPUB 3 support available, so you can enjoy the enriched content.Bookvia features: • Read PDF, EPUB 2, and EPUB 3 books. • Add bookmarks, highlights, and notes. • Sort bookshelf content by date, author, etc. • Organize your content within predefined collections, or create your own. • Search in the book's text. • Word look-up and definition. • Customize color themes, plus a dedicated night reading mode button. • Support for URMS protected EPUB 2 and EPUB 3 books.Enjoy reading! Please send your feedback to [email protected] Issues: • Note saving is inconsistent and at times will not save properly on some devices. • Redownloading the user guide from Settings after initial download can cause instability.